
Great Lombardy is a political association that, according to our statue, has as fundamental and general purpose the defense, the recovery and the emancipation of the great Lombard identity.

The Association was born in Pavia, Great Lombard moral capital and former capital of the Longobard kingdom, on the 6th of November 2013 by the will of Pol Sizz from Bergamo (President), Adalbert Ronchee from Luino (Secretary), Achill Beltramm from Pavia, Ludovic Colomba from Tolmezzo and Lissandar Poeugg from Voghera.

Anyway, our adventure started much earlier: thanks to the work of Sizz and Ronchee, between 2009 and 20110 it was developed the rational ethnonationalist Weltanschauung which, applied to the Lombard context, gives birth to what we call Lombardism.

With the aim to spread in a better way the themes of Lombardism and to gather together the people who agree with them, in 2011 was created the Lombard Nationalist Movement.

While the Lombard Nationalist Movement began its work of information and awareness among Lombards, between its members started a debate about the hypothesis to spread the geographical boundaries of Lombardism from the historical-linguistic Lombardy to the territories which are ethnically Lombard but are not (or no more) linguistically Lombard, i.e. Trento, Verona, Vicenza, Belluno and Friuli.

Even if quite large, the linguistic Lombardy would be in facts partial and innatural without its Eastern part: we therefore had to finish the work of Lombard unification started by Visconti and put finally together Langobard Neustria and Langobard Austria.

After establishing that Lombard Nationalist Movement was a name quite long and not actually sharp, we decided to launch a new subject with the main focus on the whole Lombardy and with a name able to immediately transmit this objective.

So, what is a better name than Great Lombardy?

With the birth of Great Lombardy in Pavia, the Lombardism has therefore found its natural position in what was a well defined idea: spread the activities to our East.

We have made ​​our decision: we lined up, we faced off and went down in the field to fight until the end against the poisons that are killing Lombardy and its self-determination.

Here we are not talking about Italy, Padania, Lombardy-Venethia, enlarged Switzerland or other nonsense, but just Lombardy, the real and genuine, Great Lombardy.

We, the Lombards, are a Nation, but just by rediscovering our true identity we will have true freedom.

This is precisely what we, the Lombardists, want: Lombards worthy to have a free state to represent them because freed from the Italian and globalist mindset just right now.

Independence is a conquest made step by step, with patience, passion and perseverance, without blusters and promises never accomplished.

There is something much more important to do before starting the political fight: we must be masters of ourselves and take bake our Lombard consciousness.

And you, Lombard, what are you going to do?

To staying lounging while keep on complaining without changing anything or to start acting seriously, joining us, to break the deadlock and convert your, our, compatriots?

Are you with your Homeland Great Lombardy or against it?

In other words, are you in favor of you or against you?
