Great Lombardy’s website is ready

Padri Fondatori

The website of Great Lombardy Association, the Lombard ethno-nationalist Movement born on the 6th of November 2013 in Pavia is finally ready.

We have been working for long time on this website mainly because, as you can see from the homepage, there are versions of the website in 3 different languages: English, Italian and Lombard (Milanese).

We apologize for the long waiting, but we needed a lot of time to translate every content and we decided to launch it just in the moment everything was ready to go public.

Let’s get now to the main content of the website: Great Lombardy Association.

Last summer the Lombard Nationalist Movement (MNL) founded by Adalbert Ronchee (Adalbert Roncari) and Pol Sizz (Paolo Sizzi) was dissolved to open the way to a new Lombardist project that, without denying starting positions, has extended its activities to Eastern Lombardy.

Even if Western Lombardy could still be considered a self-sufficient Nation, it will always be a partial one, in an ethnic point of view, without its Eastern part.

As MNL we focused basically on the medieval “Langobard Neustria”, i.e. Aosta Valley, Piedmont, Lombard Switzerland, Region of Lombardy, Emilia till Panaro river and other bits of Po Valley belonging to different administrative entities. Now we will expand the focus also on the medieval “Langobard Austria”, namely Trentino, Venetianized Lombardy and Friuli, excluding for obvious ethno-historical reasons Tyrol, Isonzo catch basin, Emilia beyond Panaro river, Romagna and Venetian coast with its hinterland.

Similarly, we excluded Liguria from the Western part because it was late conquered by Langobards and never colonised by them. Besides, unlike the true Lombard territory, Liguria has a Mediterranean climate. Same considerations for the Province of Bologna and the Province of Ferrara: Adriatic territories conquered and ruled by Langobards just for few years.

The political Association Great Lombardy, born in ancient Langobard capital Pavia, has been founded by Pol Sizz from Bergamo (President), by Adalbert Ronchee from Seprio (Segretee), by Achill Beltramm from Pavia, by Ludovic Colomba from Carnia and by Lissander Poeugg from Voghera. It aims to enfranchise through Lombard ethno-nationalism (Lombardism) the patriotism of all Cisalpine Lombard people. We want to point out that, in our point of view, these people can be called Lombard because they basically evolved from Langobardia Maior (where does “Lombardy” come from?).

We logically don’t want to play the part of Germanist wannabes but just preserve the genuine Identity of Lombards, which is the result of the harmonic fusion between Proto-Celts, Gauls, Goths and Langobards, not to mention smaller people such as the Ligurians, Rhaeti, Veneti and Romans who certainly contributed to build Lombardy or, as we call it, Great Lombardy.

Great Lombardy, yes! It is not a fantasy in the footsteps of Mussolini’s Great Fascist Italy (that included disparate and heterogeneous territories). It a quite homogenuous country embracing lands from Western Alps to the Eastern ones and from the Central Alpes to the Apennines: a territory united firstly by Gaul Cisalpine romanized legacy and secondly by fundamental Langobard impression that characterised the Northern part of the Italian Republic. During the Middle Ages, when a Transalpine had to cross the Alps, he used to say: “I go to Lombardy” and not “to Italy”.

The removed territories were lately and slightly Langobardized (Liguria, Padua, Bologna and Ferrara) or not colonized at all by Langobards (Romagna, Venetian – Friulan – Julian coasts and their immediate hinterland); Some other territories (Tyrol and Isonzo catch basin) are excluded because, even if they were geographically and historically part of medieval Lombardy, they were conquered by other Peoples (Bavarians and Slovenes).

Our identitary fight is aimed to reach Langobardized Cisalpine Gaul-Romance realities and rightly deemed as Lombard from Middle Ages (just think of the cities forming the Lombard League). Cities such as Trento and Verona spoke Lombard until Middle Ages and it is not absurd to imagine that the portion of Region of Veneto included in our maps had been Venetianized by the Republic of Venice, breaking the linguistic continuum that there was all over the Northern part of the current Italian Republic due to the overlapping of Latinized Celts and Langobards.

Thus, our Movement takes its cue from genuine ethno-cultural reality of Lombardy, by combining two historical Lombardies, Western and Eastern ones, in name of their common heritage and future challenges that lie ahead, in order not to end up engulfed in the Italian whirlpool and therefore globalist one.

The previous Lombardist experience was a kind of laboratory, a preparatory journey to the great leap in quality of GL that aims to get together all the Lombards under the banner of the Lombardist Cross, the Camunian Swastika, the Visconti’s coat of arms, the Biscione;. We are a political movement, but also a cultural one that does not aim to take votes, seats and money, but just involve the Lombards of Great Lombardy willing to join our fight for liberation, defense, promotion and self-determination, first of all ethnic, of what is a real Nation, unlike Italy, incomplete Lombardy, Veneto of the “Serenissimi”, Switzerland or Padania.

With us revive medieval Lombardy, which is the true Lombardy. With us revive Lombard identitarism, that is not an artifact but ethno-cultural awareness that since Middle Ages has united people of Cisalpine Gaul – Langobardia – Lombardy.

Starting from the past, we live the present, in a future perspective, because without roots the tree dies and it becomes easy prey of parasites and globalist “deforesters”.

We are ethno-nationalist and therefore also independentist, because ethno-nationalism includes independentism but not vice versa.

Before any talk of independence, it is necessary to set a serious and compelling ethno-nationalist approach because otherwise every self-determinative effort is completely useless: if a Lombard is not aware to be so, what’s worth talking about referendum for independence? And in the same way: who would benefit for a free Lombardy if delivered to aliens and Lombard extinction?

We are not braggarts but rational, practical and honest Pan-Lombard Lombardist, who do not want to bite off more than you can chew burning at the start.

First Identity, then independence, because talking about Identity means to get distanced from any Italian lie.

We have taken the field and we will work all the way to the sacred struggle of identity, which is a fight for democracy and Freedom of Lombard People. And being free first means to get rid of the system inside ourselves.

Lombard wake up from tricolor nightmare and you will discover Great Lombardy Association.

A unique Nation: from Monviso to Matajur, from Tencia to Cimone.

Hail to Lombardy!

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One Response to Great Lombardy’s website is ready

  1. Patrick G Camunes says:

    I am very curious as to our surname, Camunes. The elders of our family always talked about our ancestry being that of Germanic or Celtic origin. Knowing that, I found that there is a “Camunes Rose” carved in an Italian cave in Italy and titled as the sign of the Lombards. Story is that our surname originated in Italy and were ‘pushed’ down to Spain where our name became Camunez. Coming to America to help fight in the Revolution as Spaniards. Part of our family use the original Camunes surname while other use the Spanish version, Camunez. Even my dad’s, being Hispanic (Spanish) grand-parents were Wuertenbergs, which he used for his middle name. I would appreciate any information you can give me as to what I writen here. It would be greatly appreciated.

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